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idstringGoal ID.
namestringGoal name.
typestringGoal type. Possible values are URL_DESTINATION, VISIT_TIME_ON_SITE, VISIT_NUM_PAGES, AND EVENT.
accountIdstringAccount ID to which this goal belongs.
internalWebPropertyIdstringInternal ID for the web property to which this goal belongs.
valuenumberGoal value.
updatedstringTime this goal was last modified.
eventDetailsobjectDetails for the goal of the type EVENT.
selfLinkstringLink for this goal.
webPropertyIdstringWeb property ID to which this goal belongs. The web property ID is of the form UA-XXXXX-YY.
visitNumPagesDetailsobjectDetails for the goal of the type VISIT_NUM_PAGES.
parentLinkobjectParent link for a goal. Points to the view (profile) to which this goal belongs.
createdstringTime this goal was created.
activebooleanDetermines whether this goal is active.
visitTimeOnSiteDetailsobjectDetails for the goal of the type VISIT_TIME_ON_SITE.
profileIdstringView (Profile) ID to which this goal belongs.
urlDestinationDetailsobjectDetails for the goal of the type URL_DESTINATION.
kindstringResource type for an Analytics goal.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
management_goals_getSELECTaccountId, goalId, profileId, webPropertyIdGets a goal to which the user has access.
management_goals_listSELECTaccountId, profileId, webPropertyIdLists goals to which the user has access.
management_goals_insertEXECaccountId, profileId, webPropertyIdCreate a new goal.
management_goals_patchEXECaccountId, goalId, profileId, webPropertyIdUpdates an existing goal. This method supports patch semantics.
management_goals_updateEXECaccountId, goalId, profileId, webPropertyIdUpdates an existing goal.