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idstringRemarketing Audience ID.
namestringThe name of this remarketing audience.
descriptionstringThe description of this remarketing audience.
internalWebPropertyIdstringInternal ID for the web property to which this remarketing audience belongs.
linkedViewsarrayThe views (profiles) that this remarketing audience is linked to.
audienceDefinitionobjectThe simple audience definition that will cause a user to be added to an audience.
audienceTypestringThe type of audience, either SIMPLE or STATE_BASED.
updatedstringTime this remarketing audience was last modified.
createdstringTime this remarketing audience was created.
stateBasedAudienceDefinitionobjectA state based audience definition that will cause a user to be added or removed from an audience.
webPropertyIdstringWeb property ID of the form UA-XXXXX-YY to which this remarketing audience belongs.
accountIdstringAccount ID to which this remarketing audience belongs.
kindstringCollection type.
linkedAdAccountsarrayThe linked ad accounts associated with this remarketing audience. A remarketing audience can have only one linkedAdAccount currently.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
management_remarketingAudience_getSELECTaccountId, remarketingAudienceId, webPropertyIdGets a remarketing audience to which the user has access.
management_remarketingAudience_listSELECTaccountId, webPropertyIdLists remarketing audiences to which the user has access.
management_remarketingAudience_deleteDELETEaccountId, remarketingAudienceId, webPropertyIdDelete a remarketing audience.
management_remarketingAudience_insertEXECaccountId, webPropertyIdCreates a new remarketing audience.
management_remarketingAudience_patchEXECaccountId, remarketingAudienceId, webPropertyIdUpdates an existing remarketing audience. This method supports patch semantics.
management_remarketingAudience_updateEXECaccountId, remarketingAudienceId, webPropertyIdUpdates an existing remarketing audience.