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idstringUnsampled report ID.
end-datestringThe end date for the unsampled report.
dimensionsstringThe dimensions for the unsampled report.
createdstringTime this unsampled report was created.
profileIdstringView (Profile) ID to which this unsampled report belongs.
kindstringResource type for an Analytics unsampled report.
segmentstringThe segment for the unsampled report.
accountIdstringAccount ID to which this unsampled report belongs.
filtersstringThe filters for the unsampled report.
titlestringTitle of the unsampled report.
selfLinkstringLink for this unsampled report.
updatedstringTime this unsampled report was last modified.
driveDownloadDetailsobjectDownload details for a file stored in Google Drive.
statusstringStatus of this unsampled report. Possible values are PENDING, COMPLETED, or FAILED.
cloudStorageDownloadDetailsobjectDownload details for a file stored in Google Cloud Storage.
metricsstringThe metrics for the unsampled report.
downloadTypestringThe type of download you need to use for the report data file. Possible values include GOOGLE_DRIVE and GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE. If the value is GOOGLE_DRIVE, see the driveDownloadDetails field. If the value is GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE, see the cloudStorageDownloadDetails field.
start-datestringThe start date for the unsampled report.
webPropertyIdstringWeb property ID to which this unsampled report belongs. The web property ID is of the form UA-XXXXX-YY.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
management_unsampledReports_getSELECTaccountId, profileId, unsampledReportId, webPropertyIdReturns a single unsampled report.
management_unsampledReports_listSELECTaccountId, profileId, webPropertyIdLists unsampled reports to which the user has access.
management_unsampledReports_deleteDELETEaccountId, profileId, unsampledReportId, webPropertyIdDeletes an unsampled report.
management_unsampledReports_insertEXECaccountId, profileId, webPropertyIdCreate a new unsampled report.