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idstringWeb property ID of the form UA-XXXXX-YY.
namestringName of this web property.
childLinkobjectChild link for this web property. Points to the list of views (profiles) for this web property.
selfLinkstringLink for this web property.
websiteUrlstringWebsite url for this web property.
internalWebPropertyIdstringInternal ID for this web property.
levelstringLevel for this web property. Possible values are STANDARD or PREMIUM.
permissionsobjectPermissions the user has for this web property.
dataRetentionTtlstringThe length of time for which user and event data is retained.
This property cannot be set on insert.
profileCountintegerView (Profile) count for this web property.
accountIdstringAccount ID to which this web property belongs.
updatedstringTime this web property was last modified.
dataRetentionResetOnNewActivitybooleanSet to true to reset the retention period of the user identifier with each new event from that user (thus setting the expiration date to current time plus retention period).
Set to false to delete data associated with the user identifier automatically after the rentention period.
This property cannot be set on insert.
createdstringTime this web property was created.
parentLinkobjectParent link for this web property. Points to the account to which this web property belongs.
kindstringResource type for Analytics WebProperty.
defaultProfileIdstringDefault view (profile) ID.
industryVerticalstringThe industry vertical/category selected for this web property.
starredbooleanIndicates whether this web property is starred or not.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
management_webproperties_getSELECTaccountId, webPropertyIdGets a web property to which the user has access.
management_webproperties_listSELECTaccountIdLists web properties to which the user has access.
management_webproperties_insertEXECaccountIdCreate a new property if the account has fewer than 20 properties. Web properties are visible in the Google Analytics interface only if they have at least one profile.
management_webproperties_patchEXECaccountId, webPropertyIdUpdates an existing web property. This method supports patch semantics.
management_webproperties_updateEXECaccountId, webPropertyIdUpdates an existing web property.