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namestringOutput only. Resource name for this CustomDimension resource. Format: properties/{property}/customDimensions/{customDimension}
descriptionstringOptional. Description for this custom dimension. Max length of 150 characters.
parameterNamestringRequired. Immutable. Tagging parameter name for this custom dimension. If this is a user-scoped dimension, then this is the user property name. If this is an event-scoped dimension, then this is the event parameter name. May only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters, starting with a letter. Max length of 24 characters for user-scoped dimensions, 40 characters for event-scoped dimensions.
scopestringRequired. Immutable. The scope of this dimension.
disallowAdsPersonalizationbooleanOptional. If set to true, sets this dimension as NPA and excludes it from ads personalization. This is currently only supported by user-scoped custom dimensions.
displayNamestringRequired. Display name for this custom dimension as shown in the Analytics UI. Max length of 82 characters, alphanumeric plus space and underscore starting with a letter. Legacy system-generated display names may contain square brackets, but updates to this field will never permit square brackets.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
properties_customDimensions_getSELECTcustomDimensionsId, propertiesIdLookup for a single CustomDimension.
properties_customDimensions_listSELECTpropertiesIdLists CustomDimensions on a property.
properties_customDimensions_createINSERTpropertiesIdCreates a CustomDimension.
properties_customDimensions_archiveEXECcustomDimensionsId, propertiesIdArchives a CustomDimension on a property.
properties_customDimensions_patchEXECcustomDimensionsId, propertiesIdUpdates a CustomDimension on a property.