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namestringOutput only. Resource name of this property. Format: properties/{property_id} Example: "properties/1000"
currencyCodestringThe currency type used in reports involving monetary values. Format: Examples: "USD", "EUR", "JPY"
parentstringImmutable. Resource name of this property's logical parent. Note: The Property-Moving UI can be used to change the parent. Format: accounts/{account}, properties/{property} Example: "accounts/100", "properties/101"
timeZonestringRequired. Reporting Time Zone, used as the day boundary for reports, regardless of where the data originates. If the time zone honors DST, Analytics will automatically adjust for the changes. NOTE: Changing the time zone only affects data going forward, and is not applied retroactively. Format: Example: "America/Los_Angeles"
serviceLevelstringOutput only. The Google Analytics service level that applies to this property.
deleteTimestringOutput only. If set, the time at which this property was trashed. If not set, then this property is not currently in the trash can.
displayNamestringRequired. Human-readable display name for this property. The max allowed display name length is 100 UTF-16 code units.
propertyTypestringImmutable. The property type for this Property resource. When creating a property, if the type is "PROPERTY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", then "ORDINARY_PROPERTY" will be implied. "SUBPROPERTY" and "ROLLUP_PROPERTY" types cannot yet be created via Google Analytics Admin API.
accountstringImmutable. The resource name of the parent account Format: accounts/{account_id} Example: "accounts/123"
updateTimestringOutput only. Time when entity payload fields were last updated.
createTimestringOutput only. Time when the entity was originally created.
expireTimestringOutput only. If set, the time at which this trashed property will be permanently deleted. If not set, then this property is not currently in the trash can and is not slated to be deleted.
industryCategorystringIndustry associated with this property Example: AUTOMOTIVE, FOOD_AND_DRINK


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTpropertiesIdLookup for a single "GA4" Property.
listSELECTReturns child Properties under the specified parent Account. Only "GA4" properties will be returned. Properties will be excluded if the caller does not have access. Soft-deleted (ie: "trashed") properties are excluded by default. Returns an empty list if no relevant properties are found.
createINSERTCreates an "GA4" property with the specified location and attributes.
deleteDELETEpropertiesIdMarks target Property as soft-deleted (ie: "trashed") and returns it. This API does not have a method to restore soft-deleted properties. However, they can be restored using the Trash Can UI. If the properties are not restored before the expiration time, the Property and all child resources (eg: GoogleAdsLinks, Streams, UserLinks) will be permanently purged. Returns an error if the target is not found, or is not a GA4 Property.
acknowledgeUserDataCollectionEXECpropertiesIdAcknowledges the terms of user data collection for the specified property. This acknowledgement must be completed (either in the Google Analytics UI or via this API) before MeasurementProtocolSecret resources may be created.
patchEXECpropertiesIdUpdates a property.
updateDataRetentionSettingsEXECpropertiesIdUpdates the singleton data retention settings for this property.