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namestringContainer version display name. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.versions.update
descriptionstringContainer version description. @mutable tagmanager.accounts.containers.versions.update
fingerprintstringThe fingerprint of the GTM Container Version as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the container version is modified.
accountIdstringGTM Account ID.
builtInVariablearrayThe built-in variables in the container that this version was taken from.
tagarrayThe tags in the container that this version was taken from.
containerVersionIdstringThe Container Version ID uniquely identifies the GTM Container Version.
tagManagerUrlstringAuto generated link to the tag manager UI
zonearrayThe zones in the container that this version was taken from.
clientarrayThe clients in the container that this version was taken from.
variablearrayThe variables in the container that this version was taken from.
gtagConfigarrayThe Google tag configs in the container that this version was taken from.
pathstringGTM Container Version's API relative path.
containerobjectRepresents a Google Tag Manager Container, which specifies the platform tags will run on, manages workspaces, and retains container versions.
containerIdstringGTM Container ID.
folderarrayThe folders in the container that this version was taken from.
triggerarrayThe triggers in the container that this version was taken from.
customTemplatearrayThe custom templates in the container that this version was taken from.
deletedbooleanA value of true indicates this container version has been deleted.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
accounts_containers_versions_getSELECTaccountsId, containersId, versionsIdGets a Container Version.
accounts_containers_versions_deleteDELETEaccountsId, containersId, versionsIdDeletes a Container Version.
accounts_containers_versions_liveEXECaccountsId, containersIdGets the live (i.e. published) container version
accounts_containers_versions_publishEXECaccountsId, containersId, versionsIdPublishes a Container Version.
accounts_containers_versions_set_latestEXECaccountsId, containersId, versionsIdSets the latest version used for synchronization of workspaces when detecting conflicts and errors.
accounts_containers_versions_undeleteEXECaccountsId, containersId, versionsIdUndeletes a Container Version.
accounts_containers_versions_updateEXECaccountsId, containersId, versionsIdUpdates a Container Version.